Now a days the marketing world is too large and too competative to tackle it head on on you're own. Having high friends in good places can mutualy pay off. When in business it is wise to consider business marketing as much or if not more then consumer marketing depending on what you're product and services are. Business marketing differes from consumer marketing by the fact that it is marketing to individuals and organizations for purposes other then personal consumption.
An example of this can be called a stratigic alliece, this is a cooperative agreement between firms. Such as an agreement Apple has with Sony. Both being electronic giants. Sony has a major record label and Apple has a music media store/player called Itunes. Sony has agreed to give Apple licensing rights over Sony's music from artist like Britany Spears and The Foo Fighters. Apple needed these rights for their Icloud service Itunes offers. Icloud lets users stream their music library to any electronics device compatible with itunes like computers, mp3 players, phones, etc without having to download them from one device to an other. This saving up to days of time depending on a users electronics. So the agreement allows Apple to stream music through their servers that they dont create. ( In return Sony will get paid in percentages for their music being streamed and Apple has a new service to hopefully atract consumers to use Itunes and their Itunes compatible devices.
This agreement is relavent to business marketing because both companies have agreed to provide each other their services in hopes that it will provide mutual capital for both firms.
Apple is more than just a brand, its a lifestyle, part of growing culture of
consumers who are artist, musicians, writers, photographers, and most of all
innovators. The firm has positioned itself as a high end brand that offers
beautiful hardware designs and also an amazing user experience. Apple targets a
market that consist of people from their teens to their 40's.
The most consistent marketing strategy used by apple has been psychographic segmentation, which appeals
to a persons personality, interest, moods, and social life as well as show off the possible convinience an Apple product can have on someones life. For example Apples Ipod commercials have transformed into a mini party for the consumer. Apple tries to entertain you while presenting it's new music player by showing off the products colorful color wave as well as playing uptempo music and showing teens dancing or have the actual ipod move itself. This typicaly consisting of a young adults lifestyle.